Everyone knows that there are multiple hobby associations around the world. So why not establish a World Country Eraser Association? It would unite all eraser-playing peoples together into one imperial eraser Federation.

The Association would set all the rules of country erasers and decide which erasers were official and which were fake.
Here are the Ten Rules of Country Erasers:
One can use your thumb, index, middle, nameless, and pinkie fingers to flip an eraser.
Slow sliding is considered cheating, but launching an eraser onto the opponent (quickly) is allowed.

3. One move of the eraser per turn.
4. Valid moves include normal flipping, rapid sliding (But not sliding over to the opponent eraser and then flipping on top of his eraser. That is two moves.) and launching the eraser over your opponents.
5. There are two kinds of eraser matches. Unofficial (also known as friendly) where the winner gains nothing from the loser and the official (also known as death or killer) where the winner gets the loser's eraser.
6. There is no limit to the number of players in an eraser match.
7. As for eraser Beyblading, the only valid move is spinning the eraser.
8. The maximum number of staples that can be lodged into a country eraser to enhance it is 14.
9. The standard size for a country eraser is 3cm in length, 2.3 to 2.5cm in width, and 1 to 1.2cm in height.
10. The standard dimensions of the flag on the eraser is 2.5cm in length by 1.5 in width.
So these are the Ten Rules of country erasers.
Have fun!