There are many different games that one can play with a country eraser, and I have several I'd like to tell you. Here they are:
1. Tournament. This is a multi-player game where each player can have one or more erasers. They take turns starting to flip their eraser. Last one with at least one eraser standing wins!
2. Multi-eraser grand battle
This eraser battle is fought between two or more players with equal eraser armies. They can arrange their erasers into formations and battle stations. Last one with at least an eraser standing wins.
3. The Win-over
This is a friendly match with a twist, as when you take an enemy eraser, you don't kill it. You turn it into your zombie fighter to fight on your side. The one who ends up with everyone else's erasers as zombie fighters wins.
4. Bridge!
In this game, you have a plank or cardboard sheet laid from one chair or table to another, as a bridge. There will be a certain number of erasers on each chair or table, with the erasers on each controlled by one side. You will then move your erasers onto the bridge and try and kill each other's erasers. The one extra rule is that it is not allowed to push opponent's erasers off the bridge, but if an eraser falls off by accident, it is counted as dead.
5. Memory
In addition to playing regular games with the erasers, they can also be used as memory cards.