All of us have our own good strategies.
It might be just randomly flipping the eraser until you either win or lose, or, in multiple-eraser friendly matches, constructing elaborate battle stations out of your erasers, or your own unique strategy.
But here's a secret. Did you know that... there's a grand strategy that, if you do it well, can win say, 3 out of every 4 games? It's my personal strategy.
No, I'm not talking about teleporting your eraser onto your opponents. I'm talking about the trick known as...
This is the secret behind the magic.
You first get the eraser a good distance from your opponents. I would advise 10cm for the maximum chance of winning, but a beginner might want to start at 5cm. You then slide the eraser at extreme speed, until said eraser takes off from the ground and lands on the opponent's eraser. Viola! You have won!
Take note that sliding an eraser is cheating. But if the eraser slides so fast it takes off the ground, then that's a different matter. You also need to practice your aim or you might end up right next to the opponent's eraser instead of over it! (then the opponent will flip his eraser onto yours.)
Ideal practice distance for beginners:
Just started: 5cm
I'm getting it: 6-9cm
Got it: 10cm
I'm a pro: 10-15cm
This is the diagram. Have fun learning to do this trick!