Here are 6 of the coolest country eraser mods thought up.
(They do not really exist.)
1. Bendyraser
This is the idea for an eraser that is bendy. There would be several ways to do this, like making the eraser out of a more flexible rubber, or even cutting up an eraser and threading the sections back together. This eraser would be fun to play with as it would twist and flop around.
2. Megaraser
This concept depicts an eraser the size of a pillow! It would be flipped with an arm or even a leg. It might look like this...

3. Minieraser
This is just a tiny eraser. You might expect it to look like this...

Note: I used a clever angle perspective optical illusion to achieve this picture. The Minieraser does not exist.
4. Weighable eraser
The performance of an eraser can depend on its weight. Lighter, smoother ones tend to be better at beyblading and short distance combat, while heavier ones tend to be better at intermediate to long range combat. So imagine if there was an eraser whose weight could be adjusted by putting weights into a small slot in the eraser. Cool!
5. Smart Eraser
Everyone has heard of the smart Rubik's Cube, right? Well why not make a smart country eraser? It would track your victories, defeats, what moves you do and stuff.
6. Digital Eraser
This would be an eraser that is connected to the internet and all. You could play with people online by having your camera project the opponent's eraser onto your table while you use your real eraser which will also be projected onto the opponent's table. So people as far as thousands of kilometres can play with each other.
There will be a Part 2 to this post so don't miss it!